Black Hole Rap
To turn on captions: mouse over little triangle in bottom right corner of video, go up to the CC box, click. Voila, lyrics. • • Still worried about black holes? Let me break it down. • • First off, congrats to the LHC team for those first weeks of collisions, and continued luck for 2010. [This rap is endorsed by no organization, btw]. They will not have produced any mini-black-holes yet, but if you are still afraid for the future, this rap is all about why you shouldn't be. • • Will Barras personally provided the guitar, mixed in with the audio he produced: Wrapping up his PhD so wish him luck! • • As usual, I have been a video magpie, and these people and sites deserve mention. I hope they all have a sense of humor. • • Cosmic rays: AIRES creator Sergio Sciutto and the crew from University of Chicagos astrophysics: Maximo Ave, Dinoj Surendran, Tokonatsu Yamamoto, Randy Landsberg, and Mark SubbaRao • • They're straight-up creative commons, so thanks to them. • • Neutron star documentary from the History Channel, found here: • • Видеоклип • • More neutron stars Chandra X-ray center, Harvard University, found here: • • The Exotic World of Neutron Stars • • From an unknown bbc documentary on Hawking Radiation, found here: • • Hawking radiation • • BBC The Real Hustle Series 3, Episode 6, found here: • • Видеоклип • • Misunderstood Universe for the famous CERN Black Hole, found here: • • The CERN black hole • • ATLAS: • • Images • Fermilab pic: from Fermilab, Fred Ullrich • Atmosphere pic: NASA • Earth layers pic: • Bang: • Also, screenshots from newspapers online: Toronto Star, New York Times, Boston Globe, The Age (Australia), and The Western Mail (Wales). • • Fair Use covers me for copyright infringement, considering that I've used short clips for educational purposes without any monetary gain. (And BBC, fair's fair since you branded the Large Hadron Rap with your logo when you uploaded it to your website!) Thanks in advance for not attempting to sue me for my nonexistent royalties ;) If I've missed anyone, just let me know and I'll get a link up. • • Thanks to the unnamed dancers for providing their moves and also some camera work, though Mat did the bulk of that and some directing as well. • • Roger Vanvleck gets special mention because this kind man from Saranac, MI did not charge me for getting trapped footage off the decade-old camera we used to film. Thanks! • • And my website is still