Dermawand Reviews


Today we are reviewing the product DermaWand. We hope our dermawand reviews help you when deciding if this product is right for you. To go straight to the product page click the following link • Candace: This is probably my favorite product that I have used in years. I wasn't sure if this would work. It is similar to what they have at the dermatologist and plastic surgeon office that can cost you thousands of dollars. Theirs is obviously stronger but if you don't have $3000 but you have around a $100 then this is the product to get. I love it. • Krista: I love it to. The first thing I noticed was the tightening around the eyes. It is not like it is erasing the wrinkles but, rather, tightening the skin which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. • Candace: I felt tightness around the eyes and the jaw line. • Krista: Let me share what not to do with the dermawand. Do not use with any lotion like retina. I had some sort of reaction to the combination which caused redness for a week. I couldn't even use my eye serums during that time because it made it dry under the eyes. Also, don't use right under the eyes. It caused me to bruise a little. I'm referring to where you put eye liner on. One more suggestion, don't use it on your eyelids. It caused what seemed to be bruising on that. I'm not scaring you just letting you know what I tried. I'm sure the directions said not to do those things but l don't always follow the rules. Follow the rules and you will be fine. • Candace: I didn't have any negative effects because I followed the directions. You will have to use it twice a day when you start for two weeks. This means morning and night. I stopped using it for two weeks to see what I thought and I could tell a big difference. I didn't like that. I started to use it again and it tightened quickly and lightened my skin. • Krista: I agree. It seems to lighten the face. I believe it actually lightened some of the dark spots on my face. I started using it on my chest too and it seems to look younger. • Candace: You can always look it up to see what the science is behind it. We are here to tell you if its worth the buy. • It has levels 1-9. As you get use to that little shock feeling then you can move up. • Krista: I did not like the preface lotion. It seemed to dry so quickly on the face it would pull the face. I use my own lotion now. • Conclusion: • Candace: I give it an A plus. • Krista: I would not give mine up at all. It's worth the money. • To get yours now click here: • dermawand • dermawand reviews • dermawand amazon


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