Best Team Pokemon of the Year Edition
About a week ago was Pokemon Day 2020, and on that day The Pokemon Company came out and announced the fan voted Pokemon of the Year, which was Greninja from the sixth generation. Alongside the overall highest voted Pokemon was the favorite from each of the other seven generations, and I decided that it would be fun to make a best team using the six available Pokemon from the eight fan voted favorites. Since Greninja and Rayquaza are currently not available in Sword and Shield they’re being left off the team, but that leaves us with a perfect six that will allow me to put together an awesome best team for you guys to use on Pokemon Showdown or in Sword and Shield for your battling pleasure! Keep in mind that this team will require some Pokemon to be transferred into Sword and Shield using Pokemon Home as they have moves that have to be grandfathered into the game! That being said, let's get into this starting from Generation 1 and make our way up the generational ladder! • Cyberpower PC's Website use Code Mystic to get 5% off on all purchases over 1299$: • • MysticSage: • / @mysticsage • Our Gaming Channel MysticalGaming: / channel • Follow me on Twitch: / mysticumbreon • Check out our community discord: or this one if the first one doesn't work / discord • Follow me on Instagram: mysticumbreon_ • Follow me on Twitter: / mysticumbreon94 • Support me on Patreon: / mysticumbreon • Patrons who have donated: JDinis, Aanvik, The4thgengamer, Coolindude, Jasmin Skoplijak, Tyree Awantaye, Savannah (my secretary), Poketuber, The Sith'ari, Kepheus, ChikoritaCheezits, SpikeSP, Flyjubilee, JesseTheRuby, Frostfang5412, Daniel Leon, Diane Wierzbicki, Lady Krimzen, Derpy Poster, Dylan Clough, Miguel Poissant, Pub Sparky Wynx, Gasnort, Pal491, Ryan Turk, Lightningwolf4r, TheLazyLeo, AwesomeLego, Sodden Grider, AkAjmc, Nigma97, DDD