DEMO Metasploitable 3 Installation VMWare Metasploit
DEMO - Metasploitable 3 Installation-VMWare • PART 1 - Commands run to prepare the environment: • 1. Before starting this installation, you need to reset your VMWare virtual network settings by going through: Edit - Virtual Network Editor - Change Settings - Restore Defaults • 2. Download and Install Vagrant: • 3. Download and install Vagrant VMWare utility: • 4. Download Packer: • 5. Clone repo (download zip file): • 6. Unzip to C:\\metasploitable3-master • 7. Copy packer.exe to C:\\metasploitable3-master • 8. Use the default vagrantfile that is extracted in C:\\metasploitable3-master folder. • 9. Run PowerShell as an administrator and change to the folder C:\\metasploitable3-master • PART 2 - Commands run to clean previous installations: • 1. vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-desktop • 2. vagrant box list • 3. Vagrant box remove rapid7/metasploitable3-ub1404 --provider virtualbox • 4. Vagrant box remove rapid7/metasploitable3-ub1404 --provider vmware_desktop • 5. Vagrant box remove rapid7/metasploitable3-win2k8 --provider virtualbox • 6. Vagrant box remove rapid7/metasploitable3-win2k8 --provider vmware_desktop • PART 3 - Commands run to setup the new installation: • 1. vagrant box add rapid7/metasploitable3-ub1404 --provider vmware_desktop • 2. vagrant box add rapid7/metasploitable3-win2k8 --provider vmware_desktop • 3. vagrant up --provider=vmware_desktop • If the VMs don’t start up automatically, browse to C:\\metasploitable3-master\\.vagrant\\machines and double click the .vmx file in each virtual machine folder. • If you receive the following error: “The host only network with the IP '' would collide with another device 'Ethernet 4'. This means that VMware cannot create a proper networking device to route to your VM. Please choose another IP or shut down the existing device.”, then delete Ethernet 4. This error is due to previous installations on Virtualbox that created this ethernet adapter. • To delete VirtualBox adapter: open Network connections , right click on the adapter you want to delete, and select properties. Under Networking, click on configure. Go to the Driver tab on the popup and click on uninstall. This will remove it from the list.