Stain Removal How to get curry off your clothes
Eaten your curry in a hurry and now you’ve got a souvenir of the meal? Follow our top tips to help get that tell-tale curry stain out of your clothes, all in one handy video. With only everyday items from the kitchen cupboard, our easy stain hacks can save the day. • Remove that curry in a hurry! • We hope that you find the tips and suggestions in these videos helpful and fun to follow. Adult supervision is recommended at all times when following our guides. Please note that no guarantees are given that any particular results will be achieved and WRAP accepts no responsibility for any damage caused as a result of following these guides. Always read and follow the use and care instructions that come with any products and if in doubt you should seek advice from a specialist. • Put your new skills to the test and try it for yourself and download the step-by-step guide: • • For further inspiration, tips and guidance visit