How to Destroy Breakthrough Blockages Hakeem amp Naim Collins
▶▶Get your copy of Prophetic Breakthrough by Hakeem Collins: • ▶▶SUBSCRIBE: • On this week's episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2017: You may not see your enemy but Hakeem and Naim Collins say the power of your mouth will deliver you from every curse and limitation on your life. • Shake off Passivity and Claim Your Blessings • While God wants to see you walk in freedom, healing, favor and peace, the enemy uses curses to rob you of abundant life. Now is the time to shake off passivity and claim your blessings. The power of prophecy can break the enemy’s power! • Emerging prophetic voices, Hakeem Collins, along with his twin brother Naim Collins, show you how to break the power of curses, remove ungodly soul ties and break through spiritual limitations. Regardless of where you are in your walk with God, their new book and 3-CD set, Prophetic Breakthrough, will equip you with warfare strategies that release the provision of Heaven. You will break off satan’s curses with the power of your mouth. • Hakeem and Naim help you with — • • Disciplined and focused Biblical truths and prophetic declarations • • Powerful confessions to cancel curses and release God’s intended blessings • • Scripture keys for breakthrough • God put the power of life and death in your tongue. Now you can begin your days—every day—with God’s prophetic breakthrough power! • Hakeem Collins and his twin brother Naim Collins minister in the prophetic and the gift of healing. Hakeem is an author, radio host and CEO of Champions International .Naim leads Naim Collins Ministries. Both ministries are located in Wilmington, Delaware. • ORDER THIS EPISODE ON DVD - • CLICK HERE TO START YOUR HEALING - • SUBSCRIBE - • DONATE - • Join Our Mentoring Club! - • FREE Newsletter! -