Guitar shielding hack How to KILL THE HUM for FREE
Want a Guns and Guitars shirt? buy one here: • Facebook: / gunsandguitarsofficial • Instagram @gunsandguitarsofficial • Support me on Patreon: / danthompson • *Prices mentioned in this video are subject to change without notice. Please check the links below for current pricing. • Here is the stuff I used in this video: • P90 Jazzmaster Kit (use coupon code GUNSNGTRS to save $10): • • spray adhesive: • • here is a smaller can (cheaper): • • Full disclosure: I am an Amazon Associate, and the links in this description are affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase, it doesn't cost you any more money, but I will earn a commission. • Heavy duty aluminum foil: I was going to put an amazon link here, but honestly it's so much cheaper to buy it at your grocery store, so get off your lazy butt and get some if you don't already have it for your kitchen. • • This is a cool hack that I have done on every guitar I've built since the beginning. Just use a light amount of spray adhesive and glue in a bunch of foil in your pickup cavity and the back of your pickguard. then make sure it's touching a ground connection somehow. It's pretty hard to screw up. Have fun! • Full disclosure: Links in this description may be affiliate links