Cold War Zombies Forsaken Easter Egg Guide ALL STEPS IN DESC
Cold War Zombies | Forsaken Easter Egg Guide [ALL STEPS IN DESC] • ZOMBIES FORSAKEN EASTER EGG GUIDE (ALL STEPS) • 1- Turn on PAP (guide below) • 2- Press button to the right of the closed window in the observation tower 3:03:53 • 3- Go to spawn, the tunnel room, and the roof of quick revive, at each location you need to shoot the floating orbs and destroy them (it can take a while), then smash the large crystal with the melee wonder weapon 3:55:56 • 4- In the fuel processing area, have every player press a button on the tanks at the same time, 4:35:13 this will spawn a zombie rush and lock you in for a little, you then receive the fuel tank 4:36:59 • 5- Retrieve the crystal pieces from the three sites you destroyed the large crystals at, and throw them into the mouths of three different abominations. 3:47:41 Kill them and retrieve the charged crystals with your fuel tank 4:40:26 • 6- Shoot a zombie with deadwire in the arcade near a grand prix machine, 5:02:12 then use the machine to spawn an RC car. Drive the car to the TV store and go through the vent behind the counter, then blow up in the room. 5:21:39 This will spawn the TV part 5:23:49 (I had some trouble with this step and it took 3 attempts to work.) • 7- In the board room, look for the corner with the large part hanging from the ceiling, get an abomination to charge it and pick up the part 4:09:31 • 8- Take the filled fuel tank and other 2 parts you collected in step 6 7 to main street and build neutralizer. • 9- Go through the tunnel while refueling the tank, you need to step out of the safe bubble to grab fuel crystals and you take damage while outside of it, be careful and check the higher levels for crystals as well. • 10- The boss fight will begin, shoot his shoulders with a gun to destroy his armor, then charge maxis with zombies and fire a laser at the weakened parts of the boss. You need to do this to both shoulders, his stomach, and his head. • 11- When the fight ends you will start taking damage and everyone will go down, this triggers the cutscene and completes the easter egg. • Steps and tips was taken and put together from Reddit thread: Forsaken Easter Egg Hunt • • CHRYSALLAX GUIDE: • 1- Obtain crystal by surviving the small event in Jim's Donuts on Main Street • 2- Get a crystal from a red zombie by killing it with a flamethrower (sprinter/tormenter) • 3- Get a crystal from an abomination using its laser attack on an aether crystal, should be a loot crystal • 4- Create the weapon in the purple pool at the accelerator (it's a soul box) • • PACK-A-PUNCH GUIDE • 1- Go to Facility: Locate and interact with the Teleporter in the Staging Area. • 2- Once the Teleporter is finished warming up, interact once more to teleport to the Facility. • 3- Get to Observation Tower: Navigate to the Main Street Bridge, as indicated by the on-screen waypoints, and interact with the Teleporter to travel to the Video Store Rooftop. Continue to follow the waypoints, locate the broken Teleporter in Fuel Processing. • 4- Repair Teleporter • Locate and collect a total of four parts to repair the Teleporter, found in the following locations. • Fryer Cage (Burger Town) • Near cash registers • Near cola dispensers • Focusing Lense (Cinema) • Near candy display case • Near TVs on shelf • On bench near movie posters • Cathode-Ray Tube (TV Store) • On metal cart near potted plant • Circuit Board (Video Store 1F) • On wooden crate beneath staircase • On wooden crate near wire spool • Once all four repair parts are collected, return to the Teleporter in Fuel Processing and interact to repair it. • 5- Lift Lockdown: Enter the Fuel Processing Teleporter to travel to the Bunker Entrance. Upon entering, an Abomination will spawn. Defeat the Abomination, then enter the Bunker Entrance Teleporter to travel to the Observation Tower. • 6- Locate and interact with the Terminal in the Observation Tower to lift the lockdown. • Pack-a-Punch can now be accessed in the nearby room. • Timestamps included - SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE - • #forsaken #callofduty #zombies