Science Experiment Melting Ice Cubes


The melting ice cubes science experiment is a fun Christmas science experiment for kids. It can be done in the classroom and is great for science activities around the Christmas table. This video is also available as an ibook in our Itunes U library • Energy conduction is the primary process the Melting ice cubes experiment demonstrates. The experiment will be useful for asking questions around why things feel cooler or hotter than others or to encourage science investigations around whether ice will melt faster on plastic or other materials. • Equipment used: • Frying pan or baking tray, plastic container or sheet, ice cubes • Procedure: • Take the frying pan and the plastic box and place on the Christmas table, tell the audience you are going to place an ice cube on each of the two objects, ask them what they think will happen. At this stage you might get them to feel them the frying pan and the plastic box. The frying pan should feel cooler than the plastic so they may think the ice cube will melt faster on the plastic. Place ice cubes on the frying pan and the plastic box • Watch what happens • Science Curriculum use: • Primary science ideas: • Changes of state between solids and liquids • Materials -- Why do we make pans out of metal, but trainer soles out of plastic? • Secondary science ideas: • Which bits melt first -- and why? • Mechanisms of heat transfer, particularly conduction • Use particle theory to model and explain • Extension: • Why does ice float in water? Observe- model- research


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