Halo Anniversary Legendary Walkthrough Mission 1 The Pillar of Autumn
Halo 5 Skull location, Halo 5 Intel location, Halo 5 collectibles, Halo 5 mission 3 skull, Halo 5 mission 3 intels • All gameplay recorded with - http://e.lga.to/360gametv • Here are the collectible locations from Halo 5 third mission called Glassed . There are 6 Intels and 1 Skull (Iron) to collect. The entire game has total of 117 Intels and 13 Skulls. • For the skull in this mission you have to play on legendary difficulty.Take the scorpion and drive to the next checkpoint. Take down the second ship from the sky with your tank. If you miss, just load the last checkpoint and you will start right there again.If you hit successfully the skull will spawn at one of the three locations. • 00:00 - Intel #1 (Evelyn Collins: Meridian Day 1) • 00:41 - Intel #2 (The History of Meridian 2/6) • 01:10 - Intel #3 (Evelyn Collins: Meridian Day 5) • 01:37 - Intel #4 (The History of Meridian 1/6) • 02:06 - Intel #5 (Evelyn Collins: Meridian Day 17) • 02:33 - Intel #6 (Shipment Received 2558-8-11) • 03:01 - Skull #1 (Iron) • Halo 5 Guardians Playlist: • • Halo 5 Guardians Skull and Intel Loca... • Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... • Twitter: / 360gametv • Achievements / Trophies • Gravedigger • Find and claim a Skull. • Conspiracy Theory • Find and claim one piece of Intel. • Hunt the Truth • Find and claim all Intel. • Gravelord • Find and claim all Skulls.