How to use Windows Live Movie Maker
this video will show you how to make a video step by step in the Windows Movie Maker software. • HELP: • To export a video to upload to Youtube, you need the right file type, you cannot upload a WMM file type, you need to export it. To do that, • Open up the project file in Windows Movie Maker, then press Ctrl + P or go to File - Export Project... then save it to my computer and then follow the steps. Then open up the file with the .wmv file type and it should play in VLC or be up-loadable to Youtube. Thanks. • Also, some filetypes are not supported in WMM. The supported formats are found @ • • Video files: .asf, .avi, .wmv • Movie files: MPEG1, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2 • Audio files: .wav, .snd, .au, .aif, .aifc, .aiff • Windows Media files: .asf, .wm, .wma, .wmv • Still images: .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .gif • MP3 format audio: .mp3 • If your file is not one of these supported types, try using a free converter either by download or software. Just search 'media converter' in Google.