LAUNCH Scantool Review of the CRP Touch Pro OBDII Diagnostic Reader


SOMEONE WON ALREADY THE FIRST DAY. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified of future videos! Launch out did themselves on this one. It's better and an asset to have around. It's the Launch CRP Touch Pro and it can be yours. I'm giving this one away after a day online to the commenter with the most likes on their comment. (half the points of 50) and the comment that I like best (other 50 points). It should be pretty cut and dry, but 4chan and hacking happens, so that's my safety I guess. This tool has graphing, recording of data video, covers way more vehicles, and it's Android platform and has wifi so you can connect with other apps to make your work easier. • Links to tools used in this video • Launch CRP Touch Pro → • Connect with me socially on these social media spaces (plus that's where I announce contest winners) • Facebook → briansmobile1 • Instagram → briansmobile1 • Twitter → briansmobile1 • Disclaimer: • DO YOUR HOMEWORK before making a decision based on information you find on YouTube, or anywhere else when it comes to your car, the environment, or your safety. • Due to factors beyond the control, briansmobile1 assumes no liability for injury or property damage incurred as a result of the presentation of this information contained in this here video or any of the other briansmobile1 videos. • briansmobile1 recommends safe practices including the use of personal protective equipment such as eye protection, hearing protection, gloves, guards, shields, and respiratory protective devices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. • • I am an Amazon affiliate, Prime member, and general Amazon nut. • Thanks for watching my videos. I hope they've helped you tackle something you thought was a challenge and left you feeling empowered and high on success! And if nothing else, perhaps you had a laugh and were entertained! lol


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