Masamans 2021 EthnoRacial Map of the World Part 1 Africa
The beginning of the Masaman 2021 ethno-racial map of the world is here.Well, it took almost 2 years, but my final map of humanity is almost at an end. It's ...
masaman, Masaman's 2021 Ethno-Racial Map of the World Part 1 Africa, Masamap, Ethnic Map of the World, Racial Map of the world, Races of the world, Ethnic groups, Racial Map, Racial Map of Africa, Ethnic Map of Africa, religious map of the world, Religious map of Africa, Ethnic Groups in Africa map, Ethno-Racial Map of the world, Map of Africa, Africa, People of Africa, Ethnic groups in Africa, Nilotes, Nilotic People, Bantu People, White Africans, Igbo, Yoruba, Madagascar, Somalia