Roman Numerals 130
Roman numeral converter: • See the Arabic numbers to roman numerals for the numbers 1 through 30. Roman numerals (I, V, X, L, C, D, M) form a numeral system that was used in ancient Rome where letters represent numbers. They remained in use until the late middle ages in Europe. This is in contrast to Arabic numerals which is the modern numeric system used throughout the world (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Our tool above allows you to convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. • The traditional Roman numeral system was only used for numbers up to 3,999 which is represented as MMMCMXCIX. You can theoretically add more “M”s to the beginning which adds 1,000 for each “M,” but an easier way is to add Roman numerals with overlines. An overline over a Roman numeral means that you are multiplying it by 1000, so VĖ is 5*1000 = 5000. • Video Contents: • 00:00 - Title • 00:02 - 1 = I • 00:04 - 2 = II • 00:06 - 3 = III • 00:08 - 4 = IV • 00:10 - 5 = V • 00:12 - 6 = VI • 00:14 - 7 = VII • 00:16 - 8 = VIII • 00:18 - 9 = IX • 00:20 - 10 = X • 00:22 - 11 = XI • 00:24 - 12 = XII • 00:26 - 13 = XIII • 00:28 - 14 = XIV • 00:30 - 15 = XV • 00:32 - 16 = XVI • 00:34 - 17 = XVII • 00:36 - 18 = XVIII • 00:38 - 19 = XIX • 00:40 - 20 = XX • 00:42 - 21 = XXI • 00:44 - 22 = XXII • 00:46 - 23 = XXIII • 00:48 - 24 = XXIV • 00:50 - 25 = XXV • 00:52 - 26 = XXVI • 00:54 - 27 = XXVII • 00:56 - 28 = XXVIII • 00:58 - 29 = XXIX • 00:60 - 30 = XXX