Tongue Tricks and Mouth Parts

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Certain changes in texture, color, or more can indicate that there's something wrong with your tongue. The problem could be as simple as an ulcer, or it could be more complex. Let's take a look at what your tongue can tell you about your overall health. • 1. Color Changes • A healthy tongue can vary in color, between several lighter and darker shades of pink. That is fine. But the tongue can change to red, white, or yellow, which forms in patches, lines, or lumps. What does each color mean, and when should you be concerned? • White Tongue • Thick, white patches or a cottage cheese-like white coating on your tongue may indicate oral thrush, which creates white spots on the tongue and cheeks. People with dentures, those suffering from diabetes, people with weakened immune systems, and toddlers could be at higher risk from oral thrush. • White lines across the tongue could be a symptom of oral lichen planus. While this type of white tongue appearance can go away on its own, it's still wise to see your doctor. • Red Tongue • Similarly, a bright red tongue may be a sign of other health conditions, such as certain vitamin deficiencies (a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency is particularly common). If the redness is caused by a vitamin deficiency, it should clear up when the deficiency is dealt with. Make sure you're getting plenty of B vitamins and folic acid in your daily diet. • Kawasaki disease can cause a bright red tongue, as well as other symptoms. This is a rare disease that can affect very young children. • Scarlet fever causes redness, along with large bumps on your tongue. Usually, more serious diseases like scarlet fever and kawasaki disease are accompanied by other symptoms, like a fever. If you think you may have kawasaki disease, get it checked out as soon as possible. • Yellow Tongue • Discoloration can make your tongue yellow. Smokers' tongues can turn yellow, especially if a person chews tobacco. Psoriasis can cause yellowing. In extreme cases, jaundice can cause a yellowed tongue. • If you're not sure whether the discoloration in your tongue is caused by your diet if you've just eaten a meal, for example or something else, clean your teeth and tongue thoroughly and see if that helps. • Black Tongue • A black and hairy tongue can be a bit of a shock. However, more often than not, a black tongue comes from a reasonably harmless cause. People with diabetes are more likely to have a blackened tongue, and chemotherapy and poor oral hygiene can also cause a tongue to have a blackened or hairy appearance. Of course, if you're concerned about a black, hairy tongue, it's always best to see your doctor. • 2. Changes in Texture • The first change in your tongue that you might notice is a sore, bumpy texture. A quick Google search might bring up terrifying articles talking about oral cancer and tumors. Before you panic, remember that most causes of a sore, bumpy texture on the tongue are quite simple - and not cancer-related. Canker sores, burns or accidental bites, or tobacco use can all cause a sore, bumpy tongue. Usually, these issues are relatively normal and harmless, and will clear up in a few weeks. • For soreness or bumps that don't clear up within two weeks, visit a doctor. The cause is most likely benign, but it's good to check. • 3. Swelling • A sudden swelling of the tongue could be a sign of an allergic reaction. If your tongue suddenly swells up, you should see medical advice immediately, as this can result in difficulty breathing. The swelling may be accompanied by shortness of breath, or swelling in the lips, mouth, throat, or hands. • Strep throat, an overactive thyroid, or anemia can cause tongue swelling. More serious health issues, such as tongue cancer, mouth cancer or leukemia, can cause the tongue to swell. A permanent swelling in your tongue, whether accompanied by other symptoms or not such as pain, or bumps on your tongue should be checked out by a doctor. Chances are, it's nothing, but if it's not normal, you'll want to set your mind at rest. • 4. Painful Tongue • More often than not, a painful tongue area, or pain elsewhere in your mouth, can be traced back to accidentally biting your tongue or the inside of your cheeks during dinner, eating or drinking something too hot, or a nasty little canker sore. A bite or some other form of irritation can give you a painful tongue for several days, depending on the extent of the injury. • While some conditions, like tongue cancer, oral cancer or tumors, may cause tongue discomfort, it can also be caused by something as simple as poorly fitted dentures or braces. Canker sores can be very painful, and last for up to several weeks. While there are pain-relieving gels you can use, a canker sore should receed by itself. In the meantime, try and avoid hot, spicy, or irritating foods.


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