RussoJapanese War 2 Battle of Tsushima 日本海海戦


there were errors of the captions in the two photos. • 1)the picture at 3:02 will be German battleships. • 2)the battleship at 3:06 won't be Uskakov (wrong), but Borodino (correct). • these were pointed out by the kind viewer. thanks. (19.10.2014) • • with sincere sympathy for Russian and Japanese soldiers who fought bravely to die • especially for Russian soldiers who were defeated under unfavorable conditions • with this video I have no intention of supporting some policies of our present Government. • no more war! • thanks so much for music: Immortal Two Steps From Hell • also thanks so much for photos and paintings, • and for the site of Цусимские форумы • and 蔚山沖海戦-FC2 (写真と絵画で見る蔚山沖海戦)さん • if use of music and photos are not tolerated, we immediately delete the video. • • • note:    • successful activities of the 2nd fleet of the Japanese Combined fleet • the Japanese combined fleet overwhelmingly won the battle of Tsushima but there were some turning points before and during the battle, when the 2nd fleet did the distinguished services. • 1) shimamura commander of the 2nd squadron and Fujiki chief staff • May 14th 1905, the Russian fleet left Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. the Combined fleet got the information that the Russian passed through Bashi Channel on May 19, but after that, their location was not caught any longer. (in fact, the Russian fleet delayed their voyage speed by coal supplies and artillery live-fire training.) • May 24 th: • the combined fleet considered. • why the Russian fleet are not found? • they must have headed to Tsugaru Strait through the Pacific. • they were about to decide that they will move to north in order to wait for the Russian fleet, judging that the Russians will most probably go to Vladivostok through Tsugaru Strait. • May 25th in the morning, the final meeting at the flagship Mikasa, • Shimamura and Fujiki of the 2nd fleet argued that the Russians would certainly come to Tsushima Strait. • they strongly objected against 'Tsugaru Strait' opinion of the top staffs, saying that the Russians or any others will not choose a detour under suffering of the unprecedented long voyage. • as a result, issuing the command of 'moving to north' was postponed for one day (until 26th noon), waiting for further information. • May 26th, 00:05 at midnight • the information was brought, saying Russian coal carriers entered the port of Shanghai. • it definitely means that the Russian fleet come to Tsushima Strait. • May 27th 02:45  • Japanese patrol boat found a Russian hospital ship and finally, two hours later, found the Russian fleet. • May 27th 06:06  • the Japanese combined fleet made a sortie from Chinhae bay near Tsushima Strait. • May 27th 14:07  • the combined fleet made Togo Turn. the Russian fleet started firing. the battle began. • it was really a close thing. • if the Japanese fleet had moved to north and wait, many Russian vessels passing through Tsushima Strait would have reached Vladivostok. • the war would have been surely prolonged and the victory of Japan uncertain. • 2) Kamimura chief commander and Sato staff of the 2nd fleet • after Togo's turn, the two fleet bombarded fiercely each other, sailing in parallel east-northeast. • Japan shelled precisely and quickly, firing broadsides. • within a short time, they overwhelmed Russia. • suddenly the Russian flagship Suvorov steered to north. Togo and his first fleet followed her. • but, the 2nd fleet didn't. the staff Sato saw that it was the damage of her helm because no signal flag was put up in Suvorov. • Chief Commander Kamimura, on his own judgement, ordered his fleet to chase the rest of the Russian fleet heading southeast, with their cruiser's high speed. • with only 5 armoured cruisers, they bravely challenged Russian battleships and at close quarters gave them severe damages. • the head Borodino, avoiding further battle, steered to north and the rest followed. • at that time Togo and the first fleet ceased pursuing Suvorov and were on their way to south. • as a result, a pincer attack occurred. this is lucky for Japan. • the Russian fleet were almost destroyed. • the 2nd fleet are awesome. It may be said that they led Japan to the victory. • in addition • at night, Japanese destroyers and torpedo boats fiercely attacked the Russians. they closed in bravely and resolutely on remaining damaged battleships and armoured cruisers, which were destroyed (later scuttled) and sunk.


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