Buckingham Pi Theorem Example Problem 1 Planetary Body Pendulums
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A pendulum has an oscillation period T which is assumed to depend on the pendulum’s length L, it’s “bob mass” m, the angle of swing (theta), and the acceleration of gravity g. • (a) Write this relationship in dimensionless form, showing all 6 steps of the process. • (b) A pendulum with L = 1 m and m = 200 g is tested on Earth and found to have a period of T = 2.04 s when swinging at an angle of theta = 20°. A similarly constructed pendulum with L = 30 cm and m = 100 g is to swing on the moon (g = 1.62 m/s^2) at theta = 20°. What will be its period (s)? • PDF of solution: https://sdsu.box.com/s/xssav4rp4yfwt1...