Dr Joel Wallach on Diabetes Cancer Arthritis Obesity Alzheimer amp more



Dr. Joel D. Wallach is a naturopathic physician, author and lecturer who played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin - mineral supplements (Youngevity) He became nationally known through his widely distributed audio tape, Dead Doctors Don't Lie • For more information on Youngevity please visit: http://chwat.my90forlife.com • Dr. Joel Wallach (Founder of Youngevity) covers how to address Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, Infertility, Cancer, Birth Defects, Depression, Alzheimer, Heart Disease and many other diseases and health issues by making simple diet changes and adding essential nutrients that are hard to come by in our current food supply but are easy to supplement with the Youngevity line of nutritional supplements. Time to enjoy a happy long life and reverse those conditions that are in the way of optimum quality of life. • Dr. Wallach does an excellent job of documenting WHY the Western Medical System has FAILED US and exactly what we need to do to generally live a longer, healthier life. Having personally followed much of the advice presented in this show during the past couple years, I can personally say I feel healthier and more vibrant (when NOT on certain pharmaceutical drugs!) Dr. Wallach doesn't come right out and say take ownership of your own health , but he does give you the tools within this show to generally live a longer, fuller, more productive life. • Join us in the crusade • to take back your health and your Freedom! • R U next? • Message Me or Visit: • http://chwat.my90forlife.com/ • http://chwat.youngevity.com • Call Me at 714.924.2091


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