Europa Seaside Hotel Badehotellet Trailer
Amanda planea escaparse de sus vacaciones familiares. El comerciante Madsen enfrenta un conflicto después de atropellar unas gallinas. Fie, de 18 años, llega a trabajar a un hotel como cocinera y pronto es promovida a mucama por el gerente. Esta situación molesta a otra camarera, quien decide oponerse a Fie. • Comenzar a ver en Europa+ • Amanda plans a getaway from the family vacation. Merchant Madsen gets into a dispute with one of the locals after running over his hens. The 18-year-old Fie arrives to work as a kitchen maid and is immediately promoted to parlor maid by the hotel manager. This makes one of the other parlor maids angry, and she decides to oppose Fie.