Arduino Touchscreen Display Using a Resistive Touchscreen
Today we’ll learn how touchscreen displays work, both Resistive and Capacitive. We will also create a simple touchscreen interface using an inexpensive Arduino shield. • Detailed Article with code - • More articles and tutorials at • Connect on the DroneBot Workshop Forums! - • Today we are back in the workshop, working with an inexpensive Arduino LCD Touchscreen Display Shield. • We’ll begin by looking at how touchscreens work, both the Resistive and Capacitive variety. Then we’ll check out a great resource to download all of the spec sheets, libraries, and sample code for dozens of popular LCD displays. • After we get some sample code for pour resistive touchscreen display we will run through it and put our display to the test. • Finally, we’ll design a simple touchscreen interface to control three LEDs. You can use it as the basis for a more complex design. • Here is a breakdown of today's video: • 00:00 - Introduction • 03:13 - How touchscreens work • 06:57 - Look at touchscreen shield • 11:09- Obtaining touchscreen software • 14:14 - Installing libraries and demos • 16:24 - Touchscreen demos • 23:13 - Arduino hookup • 24:18 - Arduino sketch • 34:48 - Our Interface in action • This isn’t the last time we’ll be looking at touchscreens, I have a capacitive touchscreen that I'll be showing you very soon. • So let's keep in touch!