Appliance Hawley Retainer Procedure
Crowding is a form of dental malocclusion which occurs when there is insufficient space, within the jaw, for the teeth. Braces can be used to correct crowding and consist of molar bands which are fixed to the molar teeth. Brackets glued to each tooth in a wire held within the brackets with elastics. When the teeth have been broadened to the correct alignment, the braces are removed. To retain the teeth in their new position, Hawley retainers are made for the upper and lower dental arches. These are worn 24 hours a day for at least 6 months, to maintain the alignment of the teeth. • Subscribe for more anatomy learning: • / 3d4medical • Try Complete Anatomy for free today: • • LET'S CONNECT • Instagram: / 3d4medical • Facebook: / 3d4medical • Twitter: / 3d4medical • LinkedIn: / 3d4medical • #Shorts #CompleteAnatomy #Elsevier #Procedure #3D4Medical #MedStudent #MedStudents #Medtech #MedicalEducation