BioShock – Original vs Remaster on PC Graphics Comparison
Save 75% on the Bioshock Collection NOW available on STEAM: • Bioshock was released on August 21 of 2007, meaning we are a whole year away from the 15th anniversary. That's a really tough because I don't give a shit so now it's August 21st, 2022. Or September of 2016 which is when Remastered came out - oof my head is starting to spin! Anyways: • Welcome to the Plasmid fueled leap-year from hell. You find yourself in an underwater city and everyone is using drugs to make shit float with their mind. What else is there to say? Obviously become a hacker and fight submarine men with a wrench and hurt their little girls so you can become more powerful. Thank you Ken Levine for providing a highly relatable experience that fulfills everything I've ever wanted to do. If I went another day without shooting bees out of my arms at submarine drillers I probably was going to give up on gaming altogether. • Here, here!