Amino Acid Treatment
Hey my beauties! This cutie pie came in for her amino acid treatment. The amino acid treatment will help to instantly repair breakage, dryness, reduce humidity frizz and smooth out tangles. No matter who you are or curl pattern (or lack thereof) EVERYONE has the same 22 amino acid links in their hair. Since amino acid is the building blocks for the hair strand if there is something off about your hair, start with repairing your amino acid base. She only had to come in a few times a year to get her treatment so it’s not something you have to get so often once you get your hair back to normal. The reason I push so much about getting your treatments is because you want to build a good foundation to get color and then continue with treatments to maintain healthy color. ENJOY!!! • • • #saloncabelo #aminoacids #aminoacidtreatment #kmb #kmbaminoacidtreatment #saloneducation #tangledhair #solasalons #solasalonsatlanta #glossgenius #treatments #damagedhair #damagedhairsolutions #splitendsbegone #bioionic10x