Sega Saturn Bluetooth Adapter by Humble Bazooka
I'm not going to call this one a review or a worth it video -- this is just a quick look at a device I picked up from Stone Age Gamer. I felt good enough today to unbox this and had just enough time before going out for dinner to test it, and all I can tell you at this time is that it works as advertised. You press the pairing button on the left side, pick the Bluetooth compatible controller of your choice (I used a PS4 one for this video) and it syncs up and takes over. In my experience Humble Bazooka's products just WORK. There are no affiliate links though and neither they nor Stone Age Gamer (who I got this from) are sponsoring the video, so that's my opinion only. If you're looking for a next level of wireless Sega Saturn controller, this could be just what you want. I don't notice any significant lag (I'll let the RetroRGB experts delve into that) and the ability to use any Bluetooth controller you want instead of whatever one you buy and have a dongle for is stellar. Thanks for watching! • #humblebazooka #segasaturn #bluetooth