Ancient Greek theater performance Alkestis of Euripides Messinis Lyceum


Ancient Greek theater: Alkestis of Euripides. It climbed in 438 BC (1163 verses). • Dance: Ears from Feres. • Persons: Apollo, Death, therapist Alkestis, Alkestis, Admitos, Child Alkestis, Hercules, Ferris, therapists. • Apollo had asked the Moires to allow the Admith to live 2 times in the event that someone else replaced him to death. His wife, Alkestis, opposed his parents who did not offer. • The drama starts with Apollo and the death they meet outside the house of Admithus. The dance comes with verses of anxiety and lamentation. A maid informs them that Alkes is saying goodbye to the family and the staff. Then the two spouses appear on the scene. Here are the last words and the death of Alkestis. • Then, Hercules, the savior of Admithus, appears to visit him. Adamitos to host him does not tell him what is going on. The procession of the dead is being prepared as Feurus (father of Admitus) arrives with gifts for the dead. An intense squabbling breaks out between father and son. Both of them blame each other for humble animal welfare. The death procession and dance leave the scene. • Heracles, who cheers pleasantly, learns the truth from a servant. He is preparing to put them to death. When Admetus returns inexorably, Heracles returns his wife again. He gives it, however, covered, like a stranger, to test his faith. • Then the husbands united again, cross the threshold of the palace for the new life. • Διακοσμητικά παραβάν:


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