>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=_N5pfGLb0uE
Did you see my video last month - Leave No Scrap Behind! A new fabric challenge! #25/2 - where I challenged myself to use my scraps to make fabric? I’ll pop a link below, in case you missed it. Well since then I have been surrounded by scraps, joyously sewing them together at my sewing machine. I am never happier than when I am sitting at my sewing machine! In this video I am challenging myself to sew curves - which is something I have been nervous to try, but you know it wasn’t hard at all! I have loved making this colourful quilt - I hope you like it too. • • Leave No Scrap Behind! A new fabric c... • Over in The Last Homely House Shop we have lots of lovely treats for you, if you’d like to pop over and take a look around? • https://thelasthomelyhouse.co.uk/coll... • Over on Patreon and Instagram this year, I am talking about the different crafts featured in this year’s calendar, and there will be a video each month about each of the crafts featured in my calendar. Anna and I have a lot of fun making them! January and February videos are ready for you to watch if you would like to join me on Patreon. • patreon.com/thelasthomelyhouse • In The Last Homely House Facebook Group, it is the admins who will welcome you to that lovely group - over 9000 people sharing their crafts and ideas on The Lime Green Sofa! Just search for The Last Homely House and settle down on there with so many like minded people, sharing their crafts and support. • Instagram is another place you can find all things Last Homely House, frequent posts, stories and reels over there just search - kateatthelasthomelyhouse. • The lovely music in this video is from Epidemic Sound and is called - 'My New Beginnings', 'Tell me' 'Should I’ve Known' and 'Enchanted Winter'. • Thank you so much for watching and supporting me here on YouTube. I am passing a pot of tea and slices of chocolate tiffin down The Lime Green Sofa for each and every one of you, take a slice and pass it on! • Take care, • Love • Kate • xxx