ESEE IZULA Owners Survival Guide


If you own an ESEE Izula, this survival guide is a must-watch! Learn about the best sheath modifications and tips for getting the most out of your ESEE Izula knife. • Here are some ideas for sheath mods using the factory sheath you receive with your knife. The beauty of this is that you can use your knife to make the mods. The sheath material is such that you can easily cut it with your Izula. • You will notice that this video is 4:11. Pretty clever huh? That was not easy to do. Anyway, this may turn into sort of a series of videos where I touch on a subject and keep it at 4:11. Wish me luck. • Way back in the old days when ESEE was RAT and did not have handles to go with these knives, everyone was wrapping them with paracord. I did not like the feel of that so I made a handle out of an existing handle I had taken off my H.E.S.T. (Also from Rowen). The trouble is the handle extended far enough towards the blade that when I went to put it back in the sheath, it would not fit. I needed to cut a notch. No bid deal. But now every sheath I make for this has to have my custom wedge cut out. Again, the knife does all the work. • If you have not purchased an Izula yet, then perhaps you should really consider it. It is so versatile and has the best warranty in the entire knife business. •  @RandallsAdventureESEE  • ——————I'd love it if you Subscribed. Please click the link below.—————— • • ——————Instagram—————— •   / knifetime   story • Closing Credit Music: • Redwood Trail by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. • • esee izula,esee knives,bug out bag,bushcraft,camping gear,edc,hiking gear,knife modders,knife modifications,knife mods,knifetalk,outdoor,sharpening a knife,survival,esee camp lore,esee4,favorite gear,randalls adventure training,best survival knife,knife destruction,esee,esee 3,esee review,izula,izula handle,micarta,kydex,kydex sheath


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