5 Day Water Fast NO FOOD FOR THIS DUDE Fasting Results

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Results from my 5-Day Water (and Tea) Fast - No Food For This Dude! Come along on this 120 hour journey and witness the results that I get from not eating anything for this extended period of time. We eat three meals a day because… well because everyone else does. And because that’s how we were raised. And because most of us are conditioned in such a way that we get hungry if we don’t eat for 5 to 8 hours. But there’s no fixed biological rule saying that we need to eat every 4-6 hours. Homo Sapiens popped up 250,000 years ago but we only developed agriculture 12,000 years ago. There were 238,000 years where we were getting by as hunter-gatherers with unreliable access to food. • Everything that I ingested for 5 days... • 1. Water (Basic ph above 7 filtered) • 2. Tea (pu-erh, green, and valerian) • 3. Pink Himalayan Sea Salt • 4. Aloe Vera Gel • We might kill a gazelle one day, share it with our tribe, then go two days without access to meat and have little to subsist on. And this was perfectly fine. We certainly weren’t stopping in the middle of our 16-19 mile a day walks to have a protein bar to refuel. Central to the benefits of fasting is a process called autophagy. Autophagy is the body’s natural process of killing off, eating up, or cleaning out bad cell matter that’s built up in your body. It’s an important system for staving off many diseases, including preventing cancer development. • Not only that, but reduced autophagy (the state that most of our diets leaves us in) leads to accelerated cell aging, which explains why in numerous studies on lab animals from single cells to mice to monkeys, restricting their caloric intake significantly increased their lifespan, even when that restriction was occasional (fasting every once in a while). • It doesn’t stop there. Autophagy also helps with the development and retention of lean muscle, and autophagy induced through caloric restriction also slows neurodegeneration and is one of the few things that can lead to the production of new brain cells. This research suggests that fasting can protect you against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinsons. This is also likely why epileptic and autistic people respond very well to fasting. • On top of all of that, periodic fasting helps with reducing chronic pains, rheumatic diseases, high blood pressure, and anything related to inflammation. Fasting also improves your insulin sensitivity, meaning your body can better process Oreos instead of sending them to your waistline when you decide to cheat. • Then there’s the obvious fat loss benefit. After day two (maybe earlier) your body has nothing to run on but your own fat. The water weight you lose will come back quickly, but that fat loss is real. You can expect to lose ~1-2 pounds per day, but consider this a nice benefit, not the primary motivation. • The fasting community is a little confusing. Some people say “drink only distilled water while fasting” some people say “be sure you take a lot of electrolytes.” Some say “Make sure you take a vitamin supplement” some say “avoid vitamins.” • What I’ve learned from doing experiments like this is that when you get into newer areas of research (like fasting), 99% of the information online is contradictory nonsense and you have to figure it out on your own.You should do your research too, not just trust me or another blog. You can die from fasting, usually from drinking too much water, flushing all the salt out of your body, and going into cardiac arrest. That’s why you only drink distilled water. Or is it why you don’t drink distilled water? No one agrees really, so I drank a lot of Basic (ph above 7) filtered water and didn’t worry about it. • Some people said you should only have 1-2L of water a day, some said just keep it under a gallon, some said to drink a ton to flush the toxins out. I just drank when I was thirsty. Some said you need to stay as inactive as possible. They talked about staying in bed for most of days 2 and 3, not walking more than a half mile, and keeping their activity low even during the re-feeding period. • Dr Eric Berg MD has a great YouTube Channel. If you would like information about fasting, please consult with a medical professional prior to doing a fast. • RESULTS: • I slept about 6-8 hours each night, took a few naps when I felt fatigued, but for the most part after the first 48 hours, I wasn't hungry. My muscle conditioning did not deteriorate, and I could do more push-ups and sit-ups after the fast than before. The weight melted off, inflammation went away, and the end results before-and-after are extremely revealing. • Chapters • 0:00 Introduction to Fasting • 0:56 Starting My Fast • 1:44 Starting Weight • 1:51 Body Composition • 2:15 Day 1 • 4:03 Weight Day 1 • 4:25 Day 2 • 6:12 Weight Day 2 • 6:33 Day 3 • 8:16 Weight Day 3 • 8:30 Day 4 • 10:05 Weight Day 4 • 10:25 Day 5 • 12:05 Final Weight • 12:22 Final Body Composition • 13:00 Final Results and Conclusion • #Fasting #WeightLoss #WaterFast #HowToFast #EricBerg #LoseWeight


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