How to HARD RESET Samsung Galaxy A32 A42 A52 amp A72


In this video tutorial I'll show you how to do a HARD RESET to Samsung Galaxy A42 5G (also works for A32, A52 A72) (2020) Android 10 using the USB Type-C cable and the keys combination. You can use this operation to fix issues like, freezing, running slow, to remove a file or virus or to clear the memory space or if you forget your security code, password, pattern or pin code. • - - • WARNING! • Before performing a hard reset, make sure you know your Google login and password. If you have Android version 5.1 or higher on your device and you have added a Google account, you might be asked to input the Google account login and password after you perform o software repair. If you cannot provide this information during the setup process, you won't be able to use the device at all after software reset! • • You do this at your own risk! Make sure your phone battery is fully charged! • Better remove the SIM card and memory SD card from your phone before this operation! • If you reset or update your phone, all your data may be lost, so it's good to do a full backup before! • This method will not upgrade or downgrade the firmware version of your Samsung and it will NOT UNLOCK the network lock! • This method does not reset the PIN code of the SIM card! If your tab has been ROOTED this method will NOT UNINSTALL the ROOT. • #samsung #samsunggalaxy #samsunga32 #samsunga42 #samsunga52 #samsunga72 #galaxya32 #galaxya42 #galaxya52 #galaxya72 #reset #hardreset #how #howto #tutorial #tips #tipsandtricks #gsmabc


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