SRI Sathya Sai Baba Maha Shivaratri 2002 Manifesting Divinity in Lingodbhava


see also: •    • 1999 #MAHASHIVARATRI Sri #Sathya #Sai...   • • • • • • Embodiments of Love • Every man is a combination of materialisation, vibration and radiation. The human body with all its limbs and muscles is known as 'materialisation'. The life-force (Prana Shakti) is known as vibration. These two are coordinated by the Atmic power known as radiation. All the divine powers are latent in man. But man is not directing his attention on them. He identifies himself with the body, but in reality he is not the body. Otherwise, why would he say, 'this is my body'? When you say, 'this is my body', you are different from it. Man is deluded by thinking that he is the body. He is losing his divine effulgence because of his mistaken identity. • The vibration symbolises the breathing process. Sometimes, people say, 'my breathing is not proper'. It shows that you are different from it. Pashyannapicha Na Pashyati Moodho (he is a fool who sees with his eyes yet does not recognise the reality). Man is immersed in ignorance as he identifies himself with something from which he is totally different. • Radiation is divine and that is man's true nature. This is the magnetic power which is latent in every man. It is the same divine power that is present in temples, which attracts all. Magnetism is the nature of all temples. • There is gold in every man. Iron and various other metals are also present in him. The Vedas declare, Raso Vai Saha (God pervades the body in the form of essence). What is the significance of Lingodbhava? God is known as Hiranyagarbha (one having a golden womb). The golden Rasa (essence) present in His womb undergoes a vigorous churning process and assumes the shape of a Linga. Linga means a symbol or a sign. (Showing the golden Linga that He created in the beginning of His Discourse) Bhagavan said - As you can see, it has no distinctive features like eyes, face, etc. It has neither feet nor head. It can be placed in any manner. It symbolises the formless Divinity. • Leeyathe Gamyathe Ithi Lingaha It is the basis of everything. The golden Rasa after assuming the shape of a Linga emerges out. You need fire in order to melt gold. Similarly, the fire within melts the gold and moulds it into the shape of a Linga. Hence, the difficulty at the time of its emergence. It has to assume the form of a Linga and come out. You feel Swami is put to a lot of Badha (suffering) at the time of Lingodbhava. It is not really a Badha (suffering) but a Bodha (teaching) for you. Is it not natural for a mother to undergo labour pains while giving birth to a child? Will any mother curse her child just because she is put to a lot of suffering? She always prays for the well-being of the child. In the same manner, Swami does not feel any pain at the time of the emergence of Linga. I don't consider it a Badha. I am happy that I am imparting a significant Bodha to so many of you. God has absolutely no suffering, no worries and no difficulties whatsoever. But you feel that Swami is undergoing a great pain and suffering. • In order to facilitate the formation of these Lingas, My body has turned into a magnet. It is for this reason that I was finding it difficult to walk for the last three days, as My feet were getting stuck to the ground because of magnetic pull. Likewise, whatever objects I touched were getting stuck to My hands. It was not a trouble for Me. It is but natural because My whole body became magnetic. Such power of attraction cannot be experienced by all. It is only in Divinity that you find such highly powerful magnetic force. These things cannot be revealed to all. Every man has such a divine magnet in him. But there are certain limitations. Divinity has no limitations whatsoever. Though Divinity transcends all limits, you try to impose certain limitations on it. • Magnetic power is present everywhere. The air, the water, the food, the sound, everything is suffused with magnetic power. On deep enquiry you will know that magnetic power has no limitations • Daivadheenam Jagatsarvam (the whole Universe is under the control of God). Sathyadheenamtu Daivatam (Truth is the essence of God). Everything is contained in the principle of Truth. When you uphold Truth, all the divine powers will manifest in you. Tatsathyam Utthamadheenam (Truth is controlled by the virtue of noble souls). Who is a noble soul? He is one of peace, love and compassion. • Sathya Sai Baba discourse 13 maart 2002


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