3 to1 Rule Proper Setup for Multiple Mics
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Learn how to properly set up your microphones using the 3 to 1 rule. Following this mic technique will ensure proper recording when using multiple microphones. See the diagrams in the videos for a clear image of exactly how the rule works. • Audio Technica: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/m603-a... • Sonic Electronix: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/ • • - - TRANSCRIPT - - - • Hi, I'm Gary Boss, the National Marketing Director for Audio Technica and im here at Sonic Electronix talking about the 3 to 1 rule. • The 3 to 1 rule is a good way to avoid phase issues when using multiple microphones. This can be with multiple individual vocalists like in a backing vocal scenario or when micing a choir. The rule says...take the distance to the nearest sound source, and make certain the next mic is at least 3 times that distance away. In our backing vocal example set your mic up and if the singers are going to be 1 foot from the mic, keep the mics spaced 3 feet apart. This is less of a problem in live vocals, as most singers usually sing within 6 inches of the mic. In a choir setting where the mics are being hung from above, you may be further...2 or 3 feet from the closest singers. The mics should then be either 6 or 9 feet apart. Avoid the urge to use more mics. • While phase issues can still be a problem at these distances the second sound source is far enough away that the signal is much lower in the mix and almost imperceptible.