Five Nights at Freddys World Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 GIANT OCTOPUS
FNAF WORLD GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH PART 4 LILY GEAR LAKE! • Five Nights at Freddys World Gameplay Walkthrough PLAYLIST! • • Five Nights at Freddys World Gameplay... • • Today we playthrough five nights at freddys world and defeat the bouncer and make our way to the MYSTERIOUS MINES! • Check out G2A For AMAZING Deals on The NEWEST Games! (USE CODE FZG FOR A DISCOUNT AT CHECKOUT!): • • Sub To The Channel: • Follow Me On Twitch: / fusionzgameronyt • Follow Me On Twitter: / fusionzgamer • • Music thanks to (Outro Song Is Equilibrium-Full Mix) • STORY LINE • Featuring the entire cast from the Five Nights at Freddy's series, this fantasy RPG will let players control their favorite animatronics in a an epic animated adventure! • With 40 playable characters, multiple endings, multiple difficulties, and a great soundtrack from artist Leon Riskin, FNaF World hits the ground running and doesn't stop. Take control of Freddy and the gang as they set out on a quest in the world beneath worlds, a world that reflects the actions and deeds of the flipside , where things have started becoming distorted and broken. Lead your team deeper into this digital world to find the source of these glitches and monsters, and restore it to what it was designed to be- a safe haven. • But be careful, behind the curtain there may be something even more sinister pulling the strings...