Pall Mall Barbers On BBC One News Male Grooming London
Pall Mall Barbers is one of the finest independent barbers in London, offering traditional barber services including wet shaving. This is probably why the BBC, Channel 4, and most other big media companies choose to work with us. • Men's shaving in London, with the prestigious Pall Mall Barbers. • For more than 100 years, barbers at 27 Whitcomb Street have provided discerning men with the finest in haircutting and wet shaving services and male grooming products. Our stylists give customers the opportunity to look and feel their best at competitive prices. • A mixture of oak panels, ceramic basins and open blades -- the traditional element to Pall Mall Barbers simply acknowledges our rich heritage; while our services reflect a business on the pulse of style and the forefront of innovation. • For more information on men's hair, shaving, and men's lifestyle - follow our popular social media platforms: • • / pallmallbarbers • •