Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate Walkthrough Part 5 Taking down Deadshot


Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate walkthrough for the nintendo 3DS (also available on the PS Vita). This video is part 5 of a walkthrough of Arkham Origins Blackgate played on the Nintendo 3DS. The story takes place before the events of Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. • This channel features instructional highly edited video game guides, walkthroughs, speedruns and other uniquely transformative videos. My own personal gameplay, extensive editing creative input are clearly added into each video, ensuring that all videos adhere to YouTube's partner program guidelines. My walkthoughs take tremendous amounts of work editing so that all videos are straight to the point can be used as professional video game guides. All gameplay is my own is recorded and edited solely by me. Permission to upload each game was provided by the game publisher. • Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate (Nintendo 3DS) Playlist: •    • Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate (3DS...  


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