오픽 모의고사 1 난이도 55

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진쌤이 직접본 오픽 시험을 모의고사로 제공합니다. • 난이도: 5-5 • 목표: IM3-AL • 00:03: 모의고사 가이드 • 00:24: 1번 • 01:34: 2번 • 03:02: 3번 • 04:32: 4번 • 06:03: 5번 • 07:45: 6번 • 09:18: 7번 • 10:57: 난이도 재조정 • 11:14: 8번 • 12:36: 9번 • 13:59: 10번 • 15:34: 11번 • 17:10: 12번 • 18:54: 13번 • 20:36: 14번 • 22:06: 15번 • 1. Let's start the interview now. Tell me about yourself. • 2. I would like to ask you about the banks in your country. What do they typically look like? Where are they usually located? Please tell me about the banks in your country. • 3. What do people usually do at the bank? Why do you go to the bank and what do you do there? Tell me everything about what happens when you visit the bank. • 4. Banks have changed a lot over the years. What were the banks like when you were little? How are they different from now? Are there any similarities? Give me all the details. • 5. A lot of people like to eat out during the weekends. I would like to know one of your favorite restaurants in your area. Where is it located? What does it look like? Also, what kind of food do they serve and why do you like to visit there? Please tell me in detail. • 6. Now, tell me about a restaurant you used to go to in your childhood. What was it like? How is it different from the restaurant you go to these days? Tell me about the difference in detail. • 7. Tell me about a time you ate out recently. What kind of restaurant did you go to? What did you eat? When was it and whom did you go with? Did you like the food there? Tell me everything about that experience in detail. • 8. What kind of furniture do you have at home? Tell me about different types of furniture at home. What is your favorite piece of furniture and why? Please tell me in as much detail as possible. • 9. Tell me about the furniture that you had in your childhood home. How are they different from the furniture you have today? Describe the difference in detail. • 10. Tell me about a time when you had problems with your furniture. Maybe it could have gotten broken or damaged, or it could have gotten ruined. Tell me what happened and how you solved the problem in as much detail as possible. • 11. I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your friend is having a birthday party at a bar tomorrow and you are invited to the party. Call your friend and ask three to four questions about the party. • 12. I'm sorry, but there is a problem you need to resolve. You realized that you can't go to the party because you have an important exam tomorrow and you still have a lot to study. Call your friend, explain the situation then give two to three solutions to resolve this problem. • 13. Tell me about a memorable incident that happened at a bar. Was there something interesting going on? Why was it so special? Tell me everything about that day at the bar from the beginning to the end. • 14. Think about two different types of music or singers you like. What are the differences between them? How do you feel when you listen to each type of music? • 15. Let me ask you about some gadgets or equipment that people in your country are interested in when they listen to music. Why do people use them and what do people like about them? Please give me all the details. • • #진짜녀석들 #오픽 #오픽모의고사 #오픽독학 #오픽시험 • 더 많은 정보는 • 진짜녀석들 오픽 • https://jinjja-eng.com/opic/


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