How To Trade USDJPY Forex Trading Tips 👍


★ You can trade the USD/JPY here • ★ If you found value in watching this video, PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE so we can do more! • Trading the USD/JPY Currency Pair PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO SO WE CAN DO MORE! How To Trade USD/JPY | Forex Trading Tips USD/JPY, also known as the Gopher, Beginner’s Guide for Trading USDJPY moves based on the relationship between the United States and Asian economies; • Currencies are also subject to central bank’s interventions. For instance, if the Federal Reserve decides to expand its quantitative easing programmes, this will drive shares and gold higher while the USA dollar might depreciate against the yen. In particular the dollar/yen cross is has been getting more interest from traders as speculators attempt to second guess what the Bank of Japan will do to contain the rise of its currency. • The Yen has the risks of central bank intervention or a substantial change in policy stance, similar to the effect that the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has had on EUR/CHF. The [Japanese] government is not comfortable with its national currency appreciating. Yen’s appreciation in the past has caused ministers headaches because of the threat to the country’s export-reliant economy. It means that if the JPY reaches a pre-drawn ‘line in the sand’, we would not rule out government intervention with the consequence of the Yen falling. The Japanese authorities have intervened repeatedly in the past to limit currency strength and recently they have adopted policies targeting at depreciating the value of the yen.


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