Rotator Cuff WARM UP Routine Before Lifting Weights
*Got sore shoulders? Feeling stiff and restricted through the shoulder area while lifting weights? Try doing THESE restorative Warm Up exercises to lubricate those aching shoulders.* • STOP Taking Glucosamine Supplements! • • The rotator cuff group is a series of muscles and connective tissue that hold the shoulders in place. The shoulders are a unique part of the body since this joint has extreme range of motion and is unlike any other joints in the body. • Because of this extraordinary range of motion, the shoulders can become sore, painful, weak and sometimes chronically inflamed due to overuse, muscle imbalances and poor movement patterns. • Guys have a tendency to do a lot of pressing movements that causes the front delts to become strong and they dominate the rear delts that don't get enough attention. Use this warm up routine to bring balance to the shoulder area. • YouTuber and Bodybuilder Lee Hayward from Total Fitness Bodybuilding goes over FOUR terrific exercises you can start doing to help warm up properly. • Arm Circles - 20-30 rotations in each direction • Rotator Cuff Rotations - 20-30 reps (add 5 lbs if you like - stay light) • Band Pull Aparts - 20-30 reps with light tubing or bands • *you can do this with palms down and palms up • Bradford Press with PVC Pipe - 20-30 reps front to back (add resistance as you get good with it) • Thank you so much for watching the CriticalBench YouTube channel. We really appreciate you and we encourage any comments, questions or suggestions that you may have. Stay Strong By Design!! • #criticalbench #strongbydesign #rotatorcuff • FREE Download - Why Stretching Won't Make You Flexible • • The #1 Muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Fat: • • Follow us on Instagram: • / thecriticalbench • Subscribe to Our Channel: • • Subscribe to the Critical Bench Compound Channel: •