Comparison between Windows Vista's Default, Pearl, Glass and Tinker sound schemes. To download and install the themes directly from Microsoft, you need to have the Ultimate edition of Vista and visit Windows Update to download appropriate files, the same applies to the Tinker game (see below).* • This is probably no longer true since Vista isn't supported anymore, but I have no way to verify this. • If you don't have the Ultimate version, you may try using this: (the link still works as of August 2021, and according to comments, it even works for Windows 10) • • • Tinker is a logic game where you control a robot to solve puzzles, that's why sounds of the Tinker set may sound a little bit, for lack of a better word, a bit childish and mechanical at the same time. • • I skipped some sounds that are either very rarely heard or are the same in all editions. Feel free to write a comment and say what you think about those sound sets. • • The sound in the beggining is from Windows Media Center start up, and the sound at the end is the Windows 95 start up theme.