ASWG66 Gundam Kimaris Vidar Mobile Suit Gundam IRONBLOODED ORPHANS
The ASW-G-66 Gundam Kimaris Vidar is a mobile suit introduced in the second season of the anime Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS. It is piloted by Gaelio Bauduin. • After Vidar removed his mask and revealed himself to be Gaelio Bauduin, the Gundam Vidar was retrofitted into the Gundam Kimaris Vidar, reclaiming the name Kimaris. This conversion was conducted quickly as it was planned from the beginning. The Gundam Vidar's Alaya-Vijnana Type E was retained, but the third Ahab Reactor was purged as it only served to hide the suit's true identity, which is no longer needed. The Gundam Kimaris Vidar is meant for the decisive battle against McGillis Fareed and his Gundam Bael. This variation of the Kimaris has existed since the Calamity War era. • The Gundam Kimaris Vidar's equipment is the same as those used in the Calamity War era. It is meant to give it an advantage in zero-gravity combat, making it the polar opposite of the Gundam Kimaris Trooper, whose equipment is meant for ground combat. Besides having a drill lance and a sword as its main weapons, Kimaris Vidar is armed with a pair of drill knees and two shields. With its variety of weapons, the suit has the potential to be used in any range and is considered to have a high level of completion amongst the Kimaris variations. Like the Gundam Kimaris and Gundam Kimaris Trooper, the Gundam Kimaris Vidar's primary battle style involves hit-and-run attacks with its lance. • Armaments: • 2 x Drill Knee • 2 x Shield (8 x Special KEP Bullet) • Drill Lance (2 x Dainsleif, 2 x 200mm Cannon) • Sword • Hashtags: • #trendingshorts #viral #viralshorts #editingenetic #edit #shorts #tiktok #trend #youtube #youtubeshorts #youtubevideo #trendingvideo #viralvideo #gundam #gundamanime #gundamibo #kimarisvidar #ironbloodorphans