Bringing BACK Snow Blades
Do you remember this trend from back yonder in the early 2000s? Maybe even as early as 1996 if you were cooler than me? • The most intuitive, and easy to use for all ages, pair of skiing gear you'd ever want; the Snowblades! • Seriously, we need them to make a comeback. Let's get these hashtags going! #bringbacksnowblades #bringbackskiblades #bringbackskiboards #Bringbackshortskis • They are easy to use, easy to get up from and less likely to twist your ankles. Bonus: you can do tricks with them easily, no poles needed! • I was at the Rabbit Hill Snow Resort in Edmonton, by the way! • ********************* • Thank you for watching~ • If you enjoyed this video and would like to support me, you can leave a tip in my tip jar at Your generosity helps me continue creating content for you! • #Iwannatrywithkat #bringbacksnowblades #snowblade #snowbaldes #snowblading #skiing #ski #snow #snowboarding #winter #mountains #snowboard #skiingislife #nature #powder #travel #mountain #skiingisfun #skier #backcountryskiing #skiingday #freeride #powderskiing #freeski #skilife #powderday #skiseason #adventure #skitouring #freeskiing #skiingisawesome #wintersport #winterwonderland #skiing #ski #snow #snowboarding #winter #mountains #snowboard #skiingislife #nature #powder #travel #mountain #skiingisfun #skier #backcountryskiing #skiingday #freeride #powderskiing #freeski #alpineskiing #skilife #powderday #skiseason #adventure #skitouring #freeskiing #skiingisawesome #wintersport #winterwonderland #skiingseason #loveskiing #freestyle #outdoors #snowsports #rabbithill #rabbithillsnowresort #edmonton #edmontonsports #edmontonoutdoors • #skiblades #skiblade #shortskis #skiboard #skiboards #solomon