Protex Classic Condom Unboxing Protex Kondomi Kondomer


Unboxing: Protex Classic regular durable condom 30pc pack • ▼Click here for more epic unboxing videos 🍌 ▼ • Livestream ▻   / mairoutv   • Spotify ▻ • Discord fan group ▻   / discord   • Twitter ▻   / mairoutv   • Facebook ▻   / mairoutv   • Snapchat ▻ mairoutv • Instagram ▻ @mairoutv • About this video: • Protex Classic Regular Kondomit • Protex Classic Regular on turvallinen, luonnonkumista valmistettu kondomi, johon on lisätty hieman liukuvoidetta. • Kondomit ovat tavallisen kokoisia, joten ne sopivat useimmille miehille. Jos et ole varma itsellesi parhaiten sopivasta kondomikoosta, Protex Classicista on hyvä lähteä liikkeelle. • Marraskuussa 2009 Protex Classic Regular valittiin testivoittajaksi Tanskan yleisradion ohjelmassa Rabatten . • Protex Classic Kondomer • Protex Classic Kondomer. Lavet i naturlig latex, de er transparent. Kondomerne er med glidecreme og med reservoir. • Protex Kondomer overholder alle EU's produktkrav, er fremstillet af naturgummi/latex. Kondomerne er af højeste kvalitet og som har ikke en ubehagelig lugt af gummi, som andre kondomer kan have. Hvert enkelt kondom er pakket ind i hygiejnisk alufolie, der er med til at beskytte kondomet. • A condom is a sheath-shaped barrier device used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are both male and female condoms. With proper use—and use at every act of intercourse—women whose partners use male condoms experience a 2% per-year pregnancy rate. With typical use the rate of pregnancy is 18% per-year. Their use greatly decreases the risk of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, hepatitis B, and HIV/AIDS. They also to a lesser extent protect against genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), and syphilis. • The male condom is rolled onto an erect penis before intercourse and works by forming a physical barrier which blocks semen from entering the body of a sexual partner.Male condoms are typically made from latex and, less commonly, from polyurethane, polyisoprene, or lamb intestine. Male condoms have the advantages of ease of use, easy to access, and few side effects. In those with a latex allergy a polyurethane or other synthetic version should be used. Female condoms are typically made from polyurethane and may be used multiple times. • Condoms as a method of preventing STIs have been used since at least 1564. Rubber condoms became available in 1855, followed by latex condoms in the 1920s. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system. The wholesale cost in the developing world is about 0.03 to US$0.08 each. In the United States condoms usually cost less than US$1.00. Globally less than 10% of those using birth control are using the condom. Rates of condom use are higher in the developed world. In the United Kingdom the condom is the second most common method of birth control (22%) while in the United States it is the third most common (15%). About six to nine billion are sold a year • ▼ Support the channel 🍌▼ • Shirts Stickers: • Mairou's Meme Fund ▻ • Patreon ▻ • ▼My other channels ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)▼ • Main Channel ▻    / mairoutv   • Music ▻    / thastorcyclone   • PEPPU 뻬뿌 ▻    / @peppu  


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