Sparring Highlights 22219
Sorry it’s been a while. Been working on a lot of things for the school. We have a lot planned moving into the next couple of years. You don’t want to miss out. In the mean time. I will be catching up with videos I planned to upload soon. Here’s some highlights from this past Friday night sparring! We were having such a blast. • NOMAD Kali Combat Fitness • Learn Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Kajukenbo, MMA BJJ! Lose fat, build muscle, get leaner, faster stronger. Take your training to the next level with us! • NOMAD Kali Combat Fitness is the only OFFICIAL Pekiti Tirsia Kali School of Rockland County, NY. Affiliated with the Pekiti Tirsia World Federation and part of Pekiti Tirsia Tactical Association! • Combat Fitness is a superior total fitness program. It seamlessly blends conventional training, such as calisthenics, weight lifting, resistance, cardio, isometrics and plyometric exercises with innovative athletic training, such as Cross, High Intensity Interval, and Circuit Training. Then we combine all this with the best practices that Filipino, Traditional and Mixed Martial Arts has to offer! It is a functional platform designed to push one above and beyond, to break through limitations and bring out one's greatest potential, because it is ever changing, evolving and never boring! • Follow us on: • @NOMADkacf on IG Twitter • @nomadkaliandcombatfitness on FB • • Call or Text : 845-218-9784 • Email : [email protected] • Visit : 40 Lydecker St, Nyack NY 10960 • Entrance on High Avenue Side. • Morning Combat Fitness Bootcamp • Mon-Fri : 6:00am-7:00am • Evening Classes • Sundays : 5:30pm-8:00pm • Mon-Thu: 8:00pm-10:30pm • Fri : 7:00pm-10:30pm • Check out our YouTube Videos. • • #NomadKaliAndCombatFitness #Kajukenbo #CompleteMartialArts #PTKOneTribeUnited #InspireAndEmpower #BeYourOwnHero #TrainInsaneOrRemainTheSame #EachOneTeachOne #LearnToTeachTeachToLearn #SlowIsSmoothSmoothIsFast #BreakThroughWallsAndRiseAbovePlateaus #StriveForPerfectionSettleForExcellence #PekitiTirsiaKali #PTK #PTTA #PTKWF #iKali #Kali #Eskrima #Arnis #FMA #MMA #RocklandCounty #BergenCounty #WestchesterCounty #FitAid #FilipinoAssociationOfRockland #Society6NomadKACF #ZombieApocalypseTraining #AntiISIStraining #SurviveAndGoHomeAlive