YTP The JonTron Collection
There's a second one of these now. If you look hard enough I bet you can find it. (It's literally called The JonTron Collection 2) • • I'm just re-packaging existing JonTron YTP's of mine into a longer, and thus more satisfying to watch, video. • If you are new to Youtube Poop, I highly suggest you check out my other stuff. I do Markiplier, Michael Rosen, and a few others. • SOURCES: • 0:07 to 1:07 is The Zoo Race • 1:08 to 2:36 is Clock Tower • 2:37 to 3:37 is a bunch: • Hercules Games' gyros • Charlie's Angels' funky dance moves • And Takeshi's Challenge • And the beginning and end segments are also Clock Tower. • FIND THE VIDEOS YOURSELF, YA LAZY LARDARSE. • • 7-6-15: 2000 views; this is my most-watched Youtube Poop. • 7-21-15: 2500 views. 500 views in TWO WEEKS. Insane! • 7-23-15: 2800 views. 300 views in TWO DAYS. Wot. • 8-14-15: 4150 views. Just... wow • 9-20-15: 7500 views. I can't even. • 10-6-15: 11,700 views. You guys have goddamn outdone yourselves. • 10-23-15: 17,300 views. I could probably have made actual money on this video by this point. • 12/18/15: 31,000 views almost. That's nearly the population of Fairbanks, Alaska. Damn son. • 12/29/15: 34,000 views. Do the math... 3000 in 9 days. • 1/8/16: 500 views in ONE DAY. • 2-10-16 - Ahem - 1,250 views in O N E D A Y. • 3-15-16 - 73,300? Let's just say that this can be mathematically expressed as HOLY to the SHIT power. • 6/24/18 - 147,500 views. It's been over two years since I last made note of this video's size. I have completely lost touch of the magnitude of size that several of my videos now have. I have become an empathetically devoid shell of my former self. I have achieved YouTube partnership. I have sacrificed myself to the gods and they have blessed me with basically nothing except an impressive viewcount. It has begun. • • Secretly on the bottom here are some tags, to see if this'll pop up in some random places. • jaunt ron toot