Top 10 LEGO Themes
Here are my choices for the Top 10 LEGO themes! These are just my personal favorites... and can be any of the 150ish LEGO themes with sets listed on Brickset at the time of this video's release. • --- • NEW: The official just2good Reddit! / just2good • My Facebook: / just2goodeurobricks • My Twitter: / j2geurobricks • just2good lists and countdowns #30 (S02E5 / Opinionated #18) • --- • COMMENT RULES: • 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). This is annoying and usually has NOTHING to do with the video. • 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. • 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. • 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). • 5) No politics or religious discussion. • I'll remove any comments that break these rules. • If it's super bad, you'll be banned. Thanks, and that's all!