Quest 64 1998 N64 Commentated Playthrough Part 4
Having cleared the Windward Forest, we return to Larapool to find the Blue Cave, which—as it turns out—is an interminably boring stretch of same-y tunnels full of unengaging combat. This gives me plenty of time to talk about how thoroughly uninteresting the main character is, and how unimpressive the audio is compared to Ocarina of Time (which was released the same year). • After what feels like ten lifetimes, we make it through and meet Epona, who gives us a minuscule morsel of world-building before we teleport onto a pirate ship. Rather than tossing the apparent stowaway overboard or running him through, the pirates prove rather hospitable and take us to the Isle of Skye. This is where it becomes abundantly clear that the game is rushed and unfinished, because this area is absolutely tiny—being barely more than a walkway leading to the next boss. • I decide to give up on the boss and do some grinding before a second attempt, and discuss at length how unproductive the grinding itself is, and how uninteresting the boss design is. The lack of equipment and party members that are commonplace in other RPGs leaves the developers with few options in terms of strategy, so it all just devolves into hitting things with a stick while consuming the occasional healing item. • Now with three elemental gems safely packed away in my cluttered nightmare of an inventory, we sail to the next area to see what boundless wonders the game has yet to offer… • Playthrough recorded from November 15-27, 2022. • Recorded from a physical copy on an N64 via s-video and analog audio. • 00:00 Returning to Larapool • 00:35 The item menu is atrocious • 01:23 Talking to Leila • 02:55 Path to the Blue Cave • 03:53 Trying Evade • 04:58 Encountering a Mimic • 05:36 Encountering Crawlers; discussing enemy design • 06:30 A part of the music reminds me of Stonekeep • 06:44 Encountering Scorpions; briefly trying to use magic • 07:26 Continuing down a side path • 08:22 Discussing the design of the main character • 10:01 Discussing the dullness of the audio • 10:13 Obtaining the Exit spell • 10:30 Comparing the audio to Ocarina of Time • 13:13 Trying Ice Knife and Exit • 13:45 Exploring another side path • 14:42 Discussing the pointless side paths • 15:51 Discussing the Mimic design • 16:54 Moving on • 17:06 What actually is my objective? • 17:19 Fighting some scorpions • 17:52 You're lucky I'm editing this • 18:18 This area is impressively large without load screens • 18:34 Moving on • 18:56 Reaching a large room • 19:24 The music should feel more icy and cold • 19:56 Taking a long loop-around back to the large room • 21:16 The cave continues • 21:47 Reaching a large room with maze-like walkways • 22:29 Examining the room • 23:13 Exploring the maze • 24:43 Obtaining the Escape spell • 24:59 Exploring the maze some more; obtaining the Silence spell • 25:38 The same sounds are used for too many things • 26:23 Giving up on exploring the maze; discussing lack of equipment • 27:22 Scare Crows are trivial now • 27:45 Making it through the cave; obtaining Healing LV2 • 28:34 Talking to Epona • 30:27 Teleporting to Loch Kildery • 30:48 Talking to Kiliac • 31:22 Confused by the nature of the teleport • 31:37 Comparing the water to Banjo-Kazooie • 31:49 Exploring the pirates' ship • 32:27 Arriving at the Isle of Skye • 32:46 Encountering a Grangach • 33:32 Talking to Colleen • 34:14 Talking to Kiliac again • 34:36 Calling it a day • 35:05 There doesn't seem to be a Healing LV3 • 35:27 Fighting some Pixies • 36:03 Spells continue to underwhelm compared to physical • 36:40 Going through a teleporter • 37:02 Meeting Nepty • 37:38 Boss Fight—Nepty • 39:54 Deciding to give up and grind • 40:42 This area is weirdly tiny • 41:01 There doesn't seem to be much strategy with the bosses • 42:13 The lack of equipment makes the game feel really shallow • 43:23 Back from grinding; discussing diminishing returns • 45:12 Discussing the efficacy of the healing spell • 46:34 Boss Fight—Nepty Take 2 • 48:22 Nepty defeated • 49:00 Returning to Colleen • 49:44 Kiliac is creepy • 50:02 Returning to Epona • 50:38 Confused by Epona's misuse of the term Stone Circle • 51:38 Not sure where to go next • 52:41 Trying Compression; status effects seem useless • 53:05 Trying Escape • 53:25 Trying debuffs until they work • 54:51 Taking the ship to Limelin • 55:29 Hearing about another magician in the area