Britains most beautiful cove Kynance cove Cornwall英国最美海湾 金尼斯湾康沃尔


The most beautiful bay in the United Kingdom, with a unique charm of double-sided silver sand, crystal clear water, stunning water color (from light green to dark green to blue), majestic rocky cliffs, and beautiful posture of women breaststroke, wow, so beautiful... • 英国最美海湾,具有独特魅力的银白色双面沙滩,清澈见底的海水,醉人的海水颜色(由浅绿色到深绿色,再到蓝色),巍峨壮观的礁石峭壁,还有姿势优美的美女蛙泳,哇,太美了吧…… • • Cornwall is the most south-western peninsula in England, has the longest continuous coastline in the UK and is one of the sunniest parts of the country. With its picturesque villages, Celtic ruins, pale blue waters, beautiful gardens and unique architecture, it is undoubtedly one of the most scenic areas in England. • Kynance Cove (Cornish: Porth Keynans, meaning ravine cove) is a cove on the eastern side of Mount's Bay, Cornwall, England. It is situated on the Lizard peninsula approximately two miles (3 km) north of Lizard Point. The cove became popular in the early Victorian era, with many distinguished visitors including Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and the poets Alfred Tennyson and Algernon Swinburne. The BBC has described Kynance Cove as one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the South West . The South West Coast Path, which follows the coast of south west England from Somerset to Dorset passes by on the cliffs overlooking the cove. • Kynance Cove and the surrounding coast is part of the West Lizard Site of Special Scientific Interest and is in the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Kynance Café, which opened for business in 1929, relied on spring water and on a generator for power. Access is via the South-west coastal footpath from the nearby National Trust car park. • Cornwall是英格兰最西南的半岛,英国最长的连续海岸线,并且也是英国最阳光明媚的地区之一。它拥有风景如画的村庄,凯尔特人的遗迹,淡蓝色的海水,花园美景以及独特的建筑风格,无疑是英格兰风景最美的地区之一。 • 金尼斯湾(康沃尔语:北凯恩斯,意为峡谷湾)是位于英格兰康沃尔郡芒特湾东侧的一个海湾。它位于蜥蜴半岛上,大约在蜥蜴点以北两英里(3公里)处。这个海湾在维多利亚时代早期开始流行,有许多著名的游客,包括维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特王子,以及诗人阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生和阿尔杰农·斯威本。英国广播公司将金尼斯湾描述为“西南部最美丽的海岸线之一”。西南海岸小径沿着英格兰西南部海岸从萨默塞特到多塞特,经过俯瞰海湾的悬崖。 • 金尼斯湾和周围的海岸是特殊科学兴趣的西蜥蜴遗址的一部分,位于康沃尔杰出自然美地区。1929年开业的金尼斯咖啡馆依靠泉水和发电机供电。从附近的国家信托停车场通过西南海岸人行道进入。 •


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