Vivaldi Summer Four Seasons RV 315
Vivaldi's Concerto for solo baroque violin and strings in G Minor, Summer (L'Estate, RV 315), performed by Cynthia Miller Freivogel and the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music, with an animated graphical score. • Q: Where can I learn more about the ensemble? • A: Here: • • Q: Where can I watch this performance? • A: Here ... • • Vivaldi Four Seasons: Summer (L'Estat... • Q: What do the colors mean? • A: Colors are assigned according to pitch, in a system I call harmonic coloring (since it shows changes in harmonies). You can read more about this here: • • In this video, blue is assigned to the G for the first and last movements and E-flat for the middle movement. • Q: Why is the pitch one-half step flat? • A: The music is being performed at Baroque pitch. To learn more about this, see ... • • Q: I appreciate the animated graphical scores you make; how can I support your work? • A: Thank you! The easiest way to support my work is by contributing via Patreon: • / musanim • If you'd like to help in more specific way, consider this: • • Q: Could you please do a video of ______? • A: Please read this: •