Lateral Crural Overlay Technique For Nasal Tip Modification in Rhinoplasty
The lateral crural overlay technique is a powerful technique for altering nasal tip projection and rotation in rhinoplasty. By overlapping and thus shortening the lateral crura, the nasal tip is shortened and rotated upward, decreasing projection and increasing rotation. This procedure video demonstrates the technique on cadaveric cartilage: a cut is made in the lateral crural cartilage 8 mm lateral to the point where it transitions into the medial crural cartilage at the dome of the lower lateral cartilage, and the detached piece of lateral crural cartilage is overlapped by 5 mm with the medial aspect of the lateral crural cartilage and secured using at least two 5-0 polydioxanone (PDS) horizontal mattress sutures • For complete details including tests of the lower lateral cartilage strength, see • This video depicts a medical procedure and is intended for use by medical professionals.