How to play the Cmaj7 chord Mr Bs Ukulele Channel


Learn to play the Cmaj7 chord on the ukulele with Mr B. This is a new and improved series of chord tutorials, looking at both how to play the chords and also at the notes they consist of. These will be designed to give you short snappy tutorials so you can focus on the chords you are currently struggling with and get up to speed with them. I will then link the video to songs that use the chord in them. • As ever you can use the Dropbox link to find the music to help you. You can find the sheet music for every song on my channel, organised by difficulty level: • I hope you enjoy the videos on my channel, feel free to leave a comment and let me know any chords or songs that you would like me to look at next. Take care :) #ukulele #ukulelelesson #ukulelesongs #ukulelechords #music #chordstutorial #ukuleletutorial #ukuleleteacher


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