Development of Python GUIbased File Format Converter


SBEG 1483 (Programming II) • Assignment #04 Walk-through • Development of Python GUI-based File Format Converter • Chapters: • 0:00 Intro • 0:04 Step 1: Data and workspace preparation • 0:26 Extract data and verify file structure • 0:49 Using your preferable Python IDE or code editor, start to construct the Python code • 1:40 Save the file in the workspace folder • 2:11 Copy a line sample of the input data • 2:45 Define the desired output structure formatting • 3:35 Import some Python libraries for the task • 5:48 Test the Python code from command prompt. Press Shift-key and Right-click mouse, then select Open command window here • 5:55 Execute the Python code. If there is no error, no error message will be shown. • 6:23 Prepare the Python module if _name_ == __main__ : • 6:53 Call the function processData() • 7:11 Create a Python function called processData() • 7:49 Define a variable for the input text file • 8:46 Define an output filename (in *.csv format) • 9:53 Open the input file and read its structure line by line • 11:11 Close the opened file event • 11:36 Test the code by printing the contents of the text file • 12:57 Prepare an output file with writing capabilities • 14:09 Manipulate the file to acquire the required values • 17:15 Write to CSV format • 18:39 Test and verify the output formatting • 21:36 Display the number of lines processed from the text file • 23:20 Step 2: Import the Tkinter GUI framework module • 23:53 Define variable root to initialize the window manager with the tkinter.Tk() method • 24:28 Create a canvas widget for drawing shapes (e.g. buttons, labels) later in the GUI • 25:33 Add the pack() class to the canvas for geometry management and to display the widget in the defined size • 25:06 Use the mainloop() method to display the window until you manually close it. It runs an infinite loop in the backend • 27:40 Add title to the GUI window • 29:10 Center the GUI window (center screen) • 30:40 Add a label for the main header title • 32:04 Create window location for displaying the label within the canvas • 33:58 Configure some label styling • 38:07 Add a button for file browse and selection to the canvas • 40:39 Define button styling (background, foreground and font styling) • 42:58 Add another button for file processing and saving to the canvas • 45:24 Disabling window resizing • 48:41 Add an exit button • 50:36 Binding a command for the exit button to an exitApplication() function • 52:23 Bind command for browse button • 56:44 Import Tkinter filedialog module • 58:18 Add logic to the file browsing and selection event • 1:00:46 Add a status bar to the canvas • 1:05:38 Set the default value (empty text) to the display text • 1:06:05 Assign the display text value from the file location • 1:08:35 Set a global variable for the file location to be used in file processing • 1:09:01 Define the file location to None if no file was selected • 1:10:00 Create a function to process the text file and convert it to CSV • 1:21:23 Preparing the processData() function for file input and output • 1:23:46 Verify the CSV output file structure • 1:24:31 Display the status of file processing to the status bar • 1:26:17 Display a message box upon successful event • 1:30:27 Add some logic to the application workflow to handle unsupported input file format • 1:34:27 Add logic to exit button • 1:42:48 Import Python win32gui (pywin32) for manipulating Python output console • 1:44:05 Step 3: Prepare a setup file for building the Python code to a Windows executable file (*.exe). This setup file is required to be used together with py2exe • 1:47:34 Define the Python source file to be build as an executable • 1:48:10 Run the command python py2exe to build the distribution files • 1:48:47 Verify that a dist folder was created and test the executable file (*.exe) • 1:50:56 Assign an icon to the executable file • 1:52:22 Find an appropriate icon and convert it to *.ico format • 1:55:55 Rebuild the distribution • 1:57:06 Assign the generated icon to the GUI window • 1:58:41 Hide the Python console upon running the executable file • 2:09:23 Copy and paste the generated icon file into the distribution folder (together with the *.exe file)


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